Saturday Sharing: 2008

Jan 5, 2008

Continuing on from the theme of last week, with the start of 2008, what tips/suggestions do you have for the rest of us? Any thoughts on how to make 2008 great? If you’ve blogged about this (as I know quite a few people have), feel free to leave the link in the comments.

Saturday Sharing: 2007

Dec 29, 2007

With 2007 drawing to a close, that’s what today’s Saturday Sharing is about. Anything about 2007. Lessons you’ve learned, the best/worst moments, anything. Whatever sticks in your mind from 2007 that you think is worth mentioning, share it with us.

Saturday Sharing: Passion

Dec 8, 2007

Another Saturday Sharing segment here today, where I would like to hear from you. Share your thoughts and comments about the question below, or if you have something else on your mind, feel free to just let it out.

Today’s question (inspired by Rules of the Red Rubber Ball): What are you passionate about? And how do you tie that in to what you do daily?

Saturday Sharing – Conversation

Dec 1, 2007

I’ve renamed the “Your Turn” section, to “Saturday Sharing”. But it’s essentially the same thing. Every Saturday, I’ll just post a short question for you to respond to. I want to hear your thoughts, so yeah, come on and share your views.

Today’s question, how do you go about building conversation – both in real life and online?