Doing What You Love

Dec 5, 2008

About a week ago, I was invited to join a Multi-Level Marketing company here. I won’t reveal the name of the company, but I rejected the offer. It has nothing to do with the company itself. It’s a legitimate company, and despite the skepticism of many Singaporeans, I do believe that MLM is a legitimate business model – and one that it’s possible to earn a lot from.

So why did I reject the offer? Because I don’t believe in the product. I’m not passionate about what they are selling. And that’s the most important thing for me.

Yes, I was tempted by the money, I’m not going to deny that. I was definitely very tempted. But after talking to Connie Bensen about it (thanks for the advice, Connie), she helped me realize that it wouldn’t be worth doing if I wasn’t passionate about it.

You can make money doing a lot of things. But is it really worth it if you’re not doing something you love?

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Looking for “Butterfly Hunters”

Oct 31, 2008

Last year, I posted about the book “The Butterfly Hunter“.

As I said then, it’s a book that really resonates with me, and fits in with my blog topic. As such, I’m looking to connect with people who are “butterfly hunters”. Not in the literal sense of catching insects. But people who have taken the risk to go off the beaten path and pursue their callings. People who love what they do, whose jobs are part of who they are.

Does that sound like you? Or someone you know? If so, please, drop me an email or post a comment. I’d love to get to talk to you, and maybe even share your story here on the blog. I’m especially looking to connect with such people who are here in Singapore, but even if you’re not, feel free to contact me, I’d love to get to know you.

Pixelated – Sui Generis Conference

Oct 7, 2008

Mitch Joel recently started the Pixelated Conference, a free business conference you can watch from anywhere. Chris Brogan took the idea one step further, encouraging all of us to create our own Pixelated Conferences.

I think it’s a really good series. So here’s mine. The Pixelated – Sui Generis Conference. 7 sessions (in no particular order, because I think you should watch all of them) about being remarkable, following your passions, and changing the world.

If you the videos don’t appear (if you’re reading via RSS, for example), you can check it out here.

And if you like it, feel free to grab the list and share it. Or better yet, make your own and join be part of the series.