No, I’m Not Back Just Yet

Jul 2, 2009

774857031_96960162c3_oBut I just thought I’d explain why, and what’s going on with me. I’ve been away from this blog for 6 months, and those of you who have kindly left me in your RSS readers deserve my sincere thanks, and an update of sorts. Those of you who are checking back manually, you deserve it even more.

Those of you in Singapore might have seen an article about me in Today newspaper a couple of days ago. And as is stated in the article, I do feel like I’m in a “transitional” phase.

The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, National Service has definitely affected me, as anyone who knows me personally will know. I’m not one who does well when forced into something. I quit school because I didn’t see a point, for example. And NS is something I can’t quit. I’m slowly coming to terms with it (or trying to), but it’s tough. Being stuck in a forced job, in an extremely regimental environment, is a far cry from anything I’d want, and the adjustment is hard. And NS has left me rather jaded, to say the least. (And to those who think I’m grumbling too much, please spare me the “you can choose to be happy despite your circumstance” spiel, I’ve heard that enough).

But I’m far from giving up, and that’s actually the second reason why I haven’t been too involved in the social media scene lately. Yes, I’ve said that “the web has really opened so many doors for me”, and it’s true. But now that the doors have been open, it’s time for me to take some action and go through them, instead of just opening more doors. I love the scene, I love having the chance to be a part of the community, I love having the opportunity to meet and interact with brilliant minds such as yours. But it’s time for me to get out and do something.

I don’t want to be just another blogger, another voice in the crowd. I need to know that I have some insight or unique value I can provide. I need to prove, if not to anyone else, then to myself at least, that I am made of more than just intelligent talk. I need to prove that I am capable of producing quality action.

And I am working on that, or trying to. Trying to get a virtual internship for a marketing/branding project, trying to start up a Facebook app, etc. I’ve got a number of things I’m trying to line up, so hopefully something will work out.

In the meantime, I’ll still be on Twitter, so if you want to chat, you can look me up there. If I have your contact details, I’ll try my best to keep in touch with you. If I don’t, I’d still love to hear from you – you can add me on Facebook, or drop me an email.

This is (hopefully) not the last you’ve heard from me on here. When I’ve decided I’m capable (and proven to myself that I’m capable) of providing value, I’ll be back.

As Shakespeare put it, “If we do meet again, why, we shall smile; If not, why then this parting was well made”.

Keep creating,

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Could this be the Future of Communications?

Jun 1, 2008

Have you seen this? If you haven’t, you really should. Amazing new technology, shown of by Cisco. It allows live holographic projections of real people.

Imagine the possibilities, especially if this gets viable enough to be used in homes. Imagine going away for 4 years for college, and still being able to interact and see your loved ones, live and in full 3d.

Technology like this makes me wonder what the world will be like in 15 years – when I’m out in the working world.

Oh, and to Guy Kawasaki, no you’re not the last person to have seen this. Apparently I am. But thanks for sharing it anyway.

Macbook Air – Why I’m Excited

Jan 18, 2008

The Macbook Air was just announced a couple of days ago, and it’s been stirring up quite a lot of commotion in the technology world.

I don’t want to go into any review of it or anything, because I’ve yet to see it in person. But it does excite me. It looks really good. The pure sleekness of it makes me already want to buy it.

But more than that, why I’m excited about it is because what it reflects for the future. More and more emphasis is being placed on portability and mobility. On making gadgets easier to carry around, while not compromising on computing power. And now we have a notebook that is 0.16-0.76 inches. It’s just making me wonder. What will it be like in 5-10 years? When I go out to the working world. What will technology be like? And the progress on contact lenses with circuits really pushes it the possibilities even further.

The possibilities are just mind blowing.