The Story behind the Social Media Breakfast Singapore
I’m getting really excited about the Social Media Breakfast in Singapore. 40 people have already confirmed on Facebook that they’ll be going, with another 30+ who said “Maybe”. And not to mention the people who aren’t on Facebook, like myself.
For those of you who don’t know yet, here are the details:
- Date: Saturday, March 29, 2008
- Time: 9 – 12.30pm
- Place: Frujch @ SMU (Basement 1, School of Information Systems)
- Registration: Add your name at the Facebook Event. Registration isn’t necessary, though – you can show up even if you didn’t register.
- Cost: $4 per person
Why did I want to bring the Social Media Breakfast to Singapore? To put it simply, to build a centralized community here. I’ve been blogging for almost a year now, and until recently, I never really knew any local bloggers. And it always irked me. I’ve seen the local communities overseas (when I went for Podcamp Boston 2), and always listened in envy when other podcasters and bloggers talked about being able to just call up someone else and go for dinner. A local, real life communities built around social media was something I really wanted.
I got to meet Daryl after an audio comment on Six Pixels of Separation. That was one of the first contact I had with any local blogger. Through him, I found Nabilah’s blog. It made me realize that I wasn’t alone, and that there was a strong social media community here in Singapore, like I always believed, but never found. That’s why I brought the idea of the Social Media Breakfast to Daryl, and thankfully, he liked the idea, and has helped me make it happen. The coolest part of all this? The breakfast will probably be the first time I’m meeting him in person.
So, what’s going to happen at Frujch on Saturday? There’ll be food, and it’ll basically be a time for socializing, meeting new people, and having conversations. That’s all there is to it. You don’t necessarily even have to talk about social media. It’s just about getting to know others, in order to help build a local community. To help lighten the atmosphere, and stir more conversations, we’re taking a page out of Jeff Pulver’s book, and using his “tagging kit” idea.
Here’s Daryl and Sheylara explaining the kit and introducing the location.
I think it’s going to be awesome, and I really can’t wait for it.
Thanks to Daryl, Nabilah and Sheylara for helping to organize it. Thanks to Jeff Pulver for the advice. Thanks to Bryan Person, Connie Bensen and all of you who have helped spread the word, through your blogs, twitter stream, or otherwise. Thanks also to all who have said they’re coming. None of this would have been possible without all of you.