Free-Range Drama Farm: A new way of learning

Nov 8, 2007

I’ve mentioned this a couple of times before, but now that it’s getting further down the road, and really gearing up for the pilot program, I think it deserves another mention.

I really like the idea of the Free-Range Drama Farm, and I hope it turns out well. As Chris Brogan wrote, “There’s something really cool about people finding new ways to help others learn, and Sarah Deutsch’s announcement for beta testers is even cooler!”

What’s my point in all of this? That I really think you should go and support what she’s doing. If you’re interested in drama or theater, go check it out and sign up to help with the pilot program. If you’re not, but you know people who are, inform them and get them to help, if possible. If you’ve got a blog or website, help to spread the word with these small banners. Even if you don’t fit in any of the above, go join the forum and share your ideas. Or if you just really don’t have the time to do any of those, just take a couple of minutes to donate (from the sidebar of the website) or visit their store and make a purchase.

No matter who you are or what you’re into, you can contribute to this. And I really believe that it will be very worth your while.

Check them out: Free-Range Drama Farm.

Changing the World with Blogs

Nov 7, 2007

I know the last few posts of my blog have been a lot about technology and all, but don’t worry. This blog isn’t going to become a technology blog.

In October, held a Blogger Challenge. It’s basically a competition based on which blogs brought the most funds and donations to schools. With 100+ bloggers, it’s nowhere near as big as Blog Action Day was, but it’s still a great initaitive, I think. And Google reports that among the 100+ bloggers, $420,000 was raised, which will benefit more than 75,000 students.

100+ bloggers, $420,000, 75,000+ students. In one month.

That averages out to about $4,000 per blogger, benefiting about 7,000 students each. Who says blogging can’t be useful?

People can, and are, changing the world with their blogs.

How can you make a difference with whatever you are doing?