SpeedNetwork the Globe 2008

Nov 17, 2008

This Saturday, I’ll be hosting a breakfast at SpeedNetwork the Globe 2008, a part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week@Singapore.

I think SpeedNetwork the Globe seems to be a really interesting event, and I’m very excited to be able to be a part of it. It’s a whole day event taking place concurrently in Singapore, Stockholm and Silicon Valley. There will be speakers at each location, and there will be live video streams and online discussions taking place.

It’s essentially one event in 3 locations – and a true demonstration of how technology has broken down boundaries and made it easy to connect with anyone.

Sounds cool? I think it is. I’m really looking forward to it, and I hope to see you there. You can sign up here.

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Thank You For Reading

Oct 6, 2008

Last week, I posted that this blog had hit 100 subscribers for the first time (according to Feedburner).

I’m still really grateful for all of you who read and subscribe. And I’m still really honored that you’d take the time to read what I have to say. Same to those of you who follow me on Twitter, or on any other network. Thank you for giving me your time and attention. I really appreciate it, and I’m glad to have you here.

That said, I probably don’t know some of you, and I would really like to change that. So if you’ve been reading my blog, please drop me an email, or leave me a comment or something. Or join the Blog’s Network on Facebook. Introduce yourself, say hi, tell me your story, anything. I’d love to connect with you. Or even if we’ve connected before, feel free to drop me a line at any time.

I’m always open to connecting with you guys, and I’m always willing to (try to) help you in any way I can. So yeah, connect with me. I’d love to hear from you.

How the Web Has Changed My Life

Mar 25, 2008

Chris Brogan recently blogged about how the web lets us do lots of stuff for ourselves.

I couldn’t agree more.

For me personally, the web’s allowed me to express myself. It’s given me a voice. It’s allowed me to learn things I would never have known otherwise.

Most importantly, it’s allowed me to connect with others. It’s given me the opportunity to meet and connect with really awesome people.

How about you? How has the web changed you?

What I Would Like About Microsoft+Yahoo

Feb 3, 2008

The deal isn’t done yet, so I won’t comment too much. I’ll save more opinion for when/if the deal goes through. But at first glance, what I like about the possible acquisition is the integration possibilities.

Windows Live Messenger is very common here in Asia. From personal experience, it’s much more common than Yahoo Messenger, here in Singapore. Yahoo Messenger is one of the dominant IM services in America, if I’m not wrong. I don’t have fixed stats on these, but either way, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger are definitely two of the largest IM networks.

If Microsoft acquires Yahoo, it could be possible that these two service would be integrated more closely, possibly even merged to one service. That would make it a lot easier to keep in contact and all, wouldn’t it? It’s not the open system that a lot of us are hoping for, but it does more or less bring all your contacts into one place.

I know that would definitely make things easier for me. At the very least, it would provide more opportunities to connect with more people.

What are your thoughts on the possible acquisition?