SpeedNetwork the Globe 2008

Nov 17, 2008

This Saturday, I’ll be hosting a breakfast at SpeedNetwork the Globe 2008, a part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week@Singapore.

I think SpeedNetwork the Globe seems to be a really interesting event, and I’m very excited to be able to be a part of it. It’s a whole day event taking place concurrently in Singapore, Stockholm and Silicon Valley. There will be speakers at each location, and there will be live video streams and online discussions taking place.

It’s essentially one event in 3 locations – and a true demonstration of how technology has broken down boundaries and made it easy to connect with anyone.

Sounds cool? I think it is. I’m really looking forward to it, and I hope to see you there. You can sign up here.

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Liveblogging Podcamp Singapore

Nov 1, 2008

I’m attending Podcamp Singapore, and will be experimenting with live blogging using CoverItLive. I’ll be liveblogging the two afternoon sessions. I haven’t decided which of the sessions I’ll attend, but yeah.

You’ll be able to watch the live blog of the two sessions here. One will be from 2-3pm and the second from 3-4pm. The topics of the sessions will be announced when I decide which one I’ll be attending.

Pixelated – Sui Generis Conference

Oct 7, 2008

Mitch Joel recently started the Pixelated Conference, a free business conference you can watch from anywhere. Chris Brogan took the idea one step further, encouraging all of us to create our own Pixelated Conferences.

I think it’s a really good series. So here’s mine. The Pixelated – Sui Generis Conference. 7 sessions (in no particular order, because I think you should watch all of them) about being remarkable, following your passions, and changing the world.

If you the videos don’t appear (if you’re reading via RSS, for example), you can check it out here.

And if you like it, feel free to grab the list and share it. Or better yet, make your own and join be part of the series.