I’ve just set up a donation button via PayPal on the sidebar. So, if you like my blog, feel free to donate. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Half of all the donation will go to the Global Nomads Group. It’s an organization that aims to bring young people together from across the world.
From their website:
Global Nomads Group programs aim to:
- Increase young people’s knowledge of the world and its people
- Increase collaboration and dialogue between students of different cultures
and nationalities- Highlight critical world issues ranging from HIV/AIDS to global warming,
to war- Provide an educational framework in which students can become active leaders
in their own education
I think it’s a really good organization. I really like the idea of connecting young people around the world, and helping them understand more about the world around. But if you have any organization you personally support, you can leave a note when you make your donation, and half of your donation will be given to that specific organization.
Where will the other half or your donation go? To me. I’ll use it to buy books, attend conferences, etc that will help further my education and ultimately help me provide more value to you guys as well. I might also use some of the donations to support different initiatives as I deem fit, the Drama Farm, for example, might get some of the donations.
Ultimately, all your money will be put to good use. So, if you like my blog, why not donate?
Well done. I hope others enjoyed this as much as I did.