Sui Generis Weekly #3 is now up!

The main things from this week are based on my blog posts, but I do give additional thoughts on the posts I’ve made. With this podcast, I’m also announcing the new subscription options. You can see the new links on the left sidebar (it’s mentioned on the podcast). Now, you can subscribe to this weekly podcast alone (with enclosures). Just click on the link on the sidebar, or you can click here to subscribe (it’s free, of course). So without further ado, here’s the 3rd episode of Sui Generis Weekly.

If the embedded player fails, you can listen from here, or download the mp3.

Covered in this podcast:
– Updates on blog template (new sidebar stuff)*
Santas being asked to say “Ha ha ha”
Value of talking to others
Your personal brand: It’s what others say of you
The people that influenced me (and this blog)
– Thoughts on Commenting*
– Quote of the Week from Albert Schweitzer*
– “Forgive Me” by Natalie Gelman*

*New: Not mentioned on my blog