I came across that picture on the web a while ago. It’s basically a call from a web designer, Patrick Moberg, to the city of New York, to help him find the girl of his dreams. He saw this girl on a subway, and it was love at first sight for him. But he lost the girl in the crowd and didn’t get to talk to her. So he posted that picture up, in an attempt to get in touch with her.

And apparently, it worked. As much as I find it mildly freaky (and bordering on being stalker-like), I have to give Patrick full credit for being willing to try this. And I think we can learn a lot from this (his approach, more than the actual act).

He knew what he wanted and just went all out for it. He took a risk, thought out of the box and created his own opportunity. He made use of all the connections he could (you can’t really get more connected than the internet).

If you really want something, go out and get it. Use whatever is available to you. Be daring and don’t hold back. Who knows, you might just succeed.

What do you want today? And what can you do to achieve it?

Link via Peter Black’s Freedom to Differ: Is this romantic or just creepy?