You might have noticed I’ve made a couple of changes to the blog, and I’m hoping that they’ll help improve the conversations here.
Firstly, the sidebar has been changed to include my conversations from Twitter. This was inspired by Andrea Vascellari’s Twitter Comments. The idea is that a lot of conversations today are happening on Twitter, so why not bring that conversation here to the blog. I edited the pipe slightly, to include my own tweets, so that a more complete picture of the conversation is shown – my updates and the replies to those updates. If you want to use it, you can get the pipe here, and if you want to be updated on the conversations I’m part of, you can subscribe to the feed here.
Secondly, the comments on the various posts are now embedded as part of the RSS feed. I figured that since I don’t get that many comments, it won’t clog up your readers. And I think it’ll make it easier to keep track of the conversation (you won’t have to click through in order to read the comments). You can check out one of my older posts in a feed reader if you want to see how it looks.
So yeah, those are the two changes I’ve made. Let me know what you think of them.
Conversation Silhouettes picture by Brian Solis, via Flickr
I like the changes! 😉
I like the changes! 😉
Glad you like the changes. =).
Glad you like the changes. =).