A friend of mine once said something about me that really touched me. “Talking to you is inspiring. It’s like. Here’s a person who feels he can really do something to make a difference. :)”. It’s really cool that there’s someone who thinks that way of me.

The way I see it, it isn’t too hard to make a difference. There are a thousand things in the world that you can make a difference in. Just listen around and I’m sure you’ll find something that you can do, something that you’re passionate in.

What it takes, in my opinion, is basically 3 simple things. Focus, Belief, Passion.

Focus. I’ve said a lot about this in my previous posts. Basically, yeah. Well roundedness is less risky, but if you really want to make a difference, you have to pick something and go all out for it. To stand out, to fly high, you need to be focused and sharp.

Belief. To make a difference is risky. To be significant is risky. You might lose a lot. But you have a lot to gain as well. You need confidence. In yourself, in your ability, in your dream. You need to belief that it will work out, you need to believe in it so strongly that nothing will sway you.

Passion. In my opinion, the most important. Passion can bring you far. Get inspired. Read, look around, observe the world, listen. Get inspired for a cause that you are passionate about. If you are truly passionate about something, all the problems really become insignificant. If you really are passionate, you will fight all the way for it, and it will take you far.

3 things. Making a difference is simple. But no, I know it’s not easy. But these 3 things will take you far.