Doug Savage’s cartoon.

While it is merely a comic, it does hold some truth for many, and I think that’s really sad. Life shouldn’t be about that.

I’m one who doesn’t believe that life should be that mundane. Then what should life be about? Here’s what I think.

Learning – I believe that in life, we should constantly be learning. And no, I’m not talking about school. We should always be learning, from our experiences, from our failures, in whatever we do.

Innovation – I believe we are all creative by nature, and we all have something to offer. We shouldn’t merely follow what others have done. Come up with new ideas, be creative.

Friendship – The people around you are a really essential part of your life. Friends (or family – another “F”) are important, and should be a priority, I believe. Putting people first will bring great value to you. No man is an island.

Enjoy – You only get to live life once. Enjoy it. Sure, you’ll have to do some things you don’t enjoy. Sure, you’ll have difficulties. But on a whole, life is something you should treasure and enjoy, not something you regret in the end.

4 things that I think are important to life. Or at least those are 4 things which I want to build my life upon. And I believe that if you follow those 4 things, you won’t suffer the mundane life depicted by Doug.

What about you? What is your life built around – or what do you want to build it around?

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