LifesPerspective tells us “The One True Calling of the Entrepreneur“.

Here’s the basic idea:

‘All successful entrepreneurs have heart full of conviction that their product or service is going to have profound impact on the lives of people. They really, truly and sincerely believe that they are doing something important and had a significance far beyond building a business and amassing wealth.’

blog it

I think it’s a really great point, but I think it extends to beyond just entrepreneurs. In any field, I think that’s one of the traits that separate the true greats from the others. The belief that they can make a significant impact. Whatever field that might be, even in blogging, some of the best bloggers do it in order to make an impact on the lives of people. And that’s what makes them great.

Even a small act can have a big impact, and I believe that more than just entrepreneurs, all of us are called to make that impact. We all have the ability and potential to make that impact.

You might not be an entrepreneur, but you too can make an impact on the world.