I wrote about Ary a few days ago. While there was a general lesson/point in that, it was still very much a more personal post. There’s more that I want to say about here, so here it is.
One of the things I like about Ary is that she has a very distinctive personality, and a very distinctive style that goes along with it. And it’s very recognizable.
I remember one morning, I was having breakfast and I noticed someone walk into the cafeteria. I was eating my food, so I was kind of looking downwards, and just saw the person enter my field of vision slightly. The only thing I saw was the person’s socks. And straight away, I knew it was Ary.
Even more significantly, as much as I can remember, I don’t think I had seen her wear that pair of socks before. It just seemed to suit her so much, that even though I had not seen it before, I knew it was her. That’s how recognizable and distinctive her style was.
It goes beyond just clothes, though. It’s her whole personality. And it’s something that I think we can all learn from.
I think there’s huge value in being that distinctive and recognizable. Take ,a href=”http://www.hellomynameisscott.com/landing.aspx”>Scott Ginsberg, for example. He’s known as “the name tag guy”, and everything that goes along with that – approachability, etc.
Corporate brands always aim to be simple, distinct, recognizable – connoting strong and clear emotions all the time – so that you know what the brand stands for.
Your personal brand should be the same way, I think.
How recognizable is your brand?
Thanks for the link love!
Cool blog…
Thanks for the link love!
Cool blog…