Richard Cockrum asks the question: Are You Willing to Be Free?
Many of us want freedom, but yet many of us don’t make the choice to take it. Often, freedom comes with risk. When you have nothing holding you back, it tends to be less safe. Think of a harness when you’re rock climbing. No I’m not recommending you rock climb without a harness, it’s just an illustration. The harness, while it might hold you back slightly and hinder your freedom of movement slightly, also provides safety. It’s the same for many things in life. Safety often comes at the expense of freedom.
And that’s why many people don’t choose the path of freedom. While they talk about wanting freedom, it comes with risks that most are unwilling to take.
What’s your choice today? Restraints – but with more safety? Or freedom – at the price of risks? I’d rather have the latter.
Link via Steve Olsen: Best of the Internet 9-9-07
Hi Derrick,
Thank you for noticing the post at Shards. I appreciate it.
One thing I want to emphasize is that what you actually are doing may not change. The shift of point of view from one of having a situation forced upon you to one of seeing your situation as a result of your own choices is all important. The shift often does lead to getting out of the box we've put ourselves in, but may not. Even so, the circumstances are totally changed.
You're welcome. =).
And good comment. Something that I didn't really think of. Thanks for pointing it out.
Hi Derrick,
Thank you for noticing the post at Shards. I appreciate it.
One thing I want to emphasize is that what you actually are doing may not change. The shift of point of view from one of having a situation forced upon you to one of seeing your situation as a result of your own choices is all important. The shift often does lead to getting out of the box we’ve put ourselves in, but may not. Even so, the circumstances are totally changed.
You’re welcome. =).
And good comment. Something that I didn’t really think of. Thanks for pointing it out.