And my congratulations to them.

Filippo Inzaghi was the man of the match, scoring two goals. What can we learn from his goals? He scored his two goals by taking a risk of being offside, by making a run forward when nobody else could. As Paul Masefield (ESPN pundit) said, “9 times out of 10 he’ll be caught offside, but it’s that 10th time that matters”.

A lesson from the offside trap: sometimes to succeed, you have to take a risk and take a step forward. You might fail some times, but if you keep trying, keep taking risks, keep trying to go forward, eventually you’ll succeed and that one success is the most important.

But it’s not only about blindly going forward. You need to time it well. Going forward blindly when the opportunity is not there doesn’t work. You need to wait for the opportunity, but when it comes, you have to risk taking a forward step, risk failure. Risking failure tends to lead to success.