Here’s another Sunday Shortlist, for you. 5 links for today.

Tip: Breaking Schoolhouse Habits
– Behance Articles

Behance is a great network, with some awesome articles. This is one of them. 3 habits that formal education teaches us, which in fact set us back. As the article says, “Nothing extraordinary is ever achieved through ordinary means.”

10 mistakes that changed the world – HELLO, my name is Blog

Mistakes aren’t all bad, if we learn from them and make the most of it. Scott provides us with 10 examples of that. I’m really starting to like his blog, and highly recommend that you subscribe to it. Consistently produces great articles.

HomeTips: There’s a Lot to Like – How to Change the World

Guy Kawasaki takes a look at the winner of Google’s Adsense Story Contest. Good lessons that we can all learn, including doing what you love and finding a niche for yourself.

The Age of Microcelebrity: Why Everyone’s a Little Brad Pitt – Clive Thompson from Wired Magazine

In today’s world, with the connectivity of the Internet, personal branding is more important than ever. Everything we do reflects a a message about ourselves. Clive Thompson analyzes this new trend, the age of microcelebrity. Good read.

Young Chimp Beats College Students – Wired News

Just an amusing story that caught my eye. Really goes to show that the important part of intelligence isn’t memory work. Or (if memory work really is that essential) maybe chimps really are smarter than us.

If you’ve come across an interesting page/site that you want to share, feel free to
email me or add a comment. I’ll be glad to take a look at it and share it. Self promotion is accepted as well.